Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

9 Steps to Finding Your Happy Place

woman in happy place


Do you want to go to your happy place?  Good news! It’s only 9 steps away from where you are right now!

Over the years, I’ve seen a wide shift and movement towards raising consciousness, exploring our higher selves and living in the moment to find peace and happiness.  Yet, we do it while holding on to old patterns and belief systems and it never works.

Most of us look outside ourselves to find the “something” that will finally make us feel whole again.  Usually, it starts with materialistic stuff like the big house, fancy cars, money, jewelry, kids and. lets not forget the common house pet!

We use all of these tokens of success in order to be admired, loved and accepted. It’s a way of find validation that we’re okay … that we have the right to exist.

Eventually, we learn that looking outside of ourselves is not the answer. Because, no matter how big the house, how fast the car, how shiny the jewelry – we still feel empty and unfulfilled.

There’s still an emptiness inside that we so desperately want to fill.

But fill with what?!

Let’s see … the materialistic strategy didn’t work so the next strategy is to get “it” from others. This sets us up for grave disappointment and the development of love/hate relationships.

We organize around trying to get unconditional love, acceptance and support from others … which is a total unconscious set up for failure of epic proportions.  When our needs are met, we love them. When they aren’t meant we hate them.

We begin to learn that when we look outside ourselves for happiness – to things, people or the world around us – we end up horribly disappointed.

The fact is, it's impossible to find happiness outside of yourself! Click To Tweet

We can’t find our happy place without changing our old belief systems and patterns, let go of the past, expand our awareness of the here and now, and let go of the fear that holds us back.

It sounds complicated, but its actually rather simple.

There are 9 simple, yet powerful, steps to get to your happy place.

Finding Your Happy Place

  1. Begin with the one and only goal – peace of mind.
  2. Practice the art of forgiveness
  3. Through forgiveness, accept everyone as they are without judgement
  4. Let go of the fear and stop projecting the past onto the future … live only in the present
  5. Listen to your own intuitive, inner voice for guidance
  6. Set goals as a result of that guidance
  7. Believe the goal will be achieved, even if you aren’t sure how yet
  8. Make conscious choices about what you choose to believe
  9. Use positive, active imagination to develop new beliefs about what is possible

By making simple, conscious changes in our belief system and how we choose to view the world, we are one step closer to our own personal happy place.

What steps will you take today to get to yours?

Hugs … because everyone could use one!

Dana Zarcone signature image





Posted in Emotional Health, Joy & Happiness Tagged with: , ,

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Dana Zarcone

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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

