Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"
Blog Archives

You Are a Diamond in the Rough

For the most part, I think you would you agree that nobody in the Universe is just like you. That you are, indeed, 100% unique and one of a kind. What a crazy thing to think about, isn’t it? That

The Advantages of Low Self Confidence

The Advantages of Low Self-Confidence Yea, yea … I know what you’re thinking right now. What the heck is she talking about?! How can low self-confidence be a good thing?! When I compared confidence with self-esteem I talked about the fact

9 Most Common Myths About Depression

While depression is extremely common, it is widely misunderstood. Many, if not most, of my clients come to me with so many misperceptions about depression. They don’t understand what depression is, how they got it or how they can get

Why the Law of Attraction is Rubbish!

In today’s “easy button” society, people are taking a pill to be happy, using the law of attraction and positive affirmations to get rich, and using their imagination to manifest their dream house. These “quick fix” strategies appeal to the

Let’s Talk Widget

Dana Zarcone

Let's Talk

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

