Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

5 Powerful Daily Confidence Boosters


Are you comfortable in your own skin? Could you use a confidence boost?

Are you comfortable in your own skin? Could you use a confidence boost?

All of us have our own energetic vibrational frequency. We each have our own unique musical note so-to-speak.

Have you ever been at a party and someone just lights up the room when they walk in? Or do you know someone that just naturally radiates happiness?
These people vibrate on a high frequency and they exude confidence.

Now, I’m not talking about the person that walks into a party and needs to be the center of attention. Or someone that needs to flaunt their expensive watch, talk about their accomplishments or show off their fancy car.

This is not confidence, this is arrogance and there’s a big difference.

When you’re confident you are really comfortable in your own skin. You don’t feel the need to impress other people. You don’t need to be the center of attention. There is a subtlety to your confidence that is ever present and powerful, but quiet at the same time.

When you're confident its ever present and powerful but quiet at the same time Click To Tweet

So, what exactly is confidence?

Confidence is to believe in your own powers and abilities to navigate through life, take risks, conquer life’s challenges and try new things.

Now, it’s important to know that this confidence is different from self-esteem and arrogance.

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and view your own self-worth.

Arrogance is when you feel you are better than everyone else … it’s an overbearing feeling of superiority.

It’s important to know you can be really confident and have low self-esteem.

And, you can be arrogant and have low self-esteem. In fact, most arrogant people are usually that way because they’re compensating for their low self-esteem and low sense of self-worth.

What I’m talking about today is how to be confident. How to be comfortable in your own skin and be that person that someone really enjoys being around.

Consider the opposite experience, when you’re around someone that lacks confidence. They’re nervous, needy, and insecure. They’re usually the complainer, the gossiper.
They organize themselves around validation – they look to you to let them know they’re an okay person. They worry that you’re mad at them for something. They’re like leaches that will suck the energy right out of you.

People who lack confidence and have low self-esteem are difficult to be around. They make you feel uncomfortable.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there at some point. We know what it feels like to be unsure of ourselves. It sucks. No one likes to feel that way … like you suck and everyone else is better than you. Oh .. its horrible to feel that way.

So I’m saying NO MORE! I want you to start reclaiming your personal power.

So, I’m here to talk about strategies you can implement to build your confidence and become someone that is comfortable in your own skin. Someone that doesn’t need that external validation.

These are tips that I’ve used myself and I’ve shared with my clients and they work! And, you can put them into practice today!

You can review the tips below or watch the video above where I go into a lot more detail (the video is only 20 mins long, but it’s jam packed with info!).

Tip #1:  Define and Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Only surround yourself with people that are kind, loving and supportive and ditch those that are negative, critical and opposing you.

Tip #2:  Get Moving! (Yes, I am talking about exercise … the confidence boosting “drug of choice”! It rocks!)
Exercise is a mood altering, body transforming, confidence boosting drug!

Get a 30 minute, heart rate boosting workout in every day. Put it on your calendar and commit to doing it each day. Pick something that you know you’ll enjoy. A brisk walk with a friend, a group exercise class, an exercise video … what can you do that you’ll really enjoy doing and get it done!

Tip #3:  Embrace Positive Self Talk
If you have all kinds of negative chatter going on in your head then you’ll eventually believe it, you’ll own it and you’ll approach your life from that place of being less than, not worthy, never adding up. If you’re constantly telling yourself that your ugly, fat, stupid, dumb … whatever the negative chatter is telling you, you’ll become those things because you bought into all the negative B.S.! You need to change the way you think about yourself. You need to eliminate the negative chatter.

Tip #4:  Take Pride in Yourself
Often times, we present on the outside what we feel on the inside. How do you present yourself to the world? Do you have a “who cares” or “I don’t care what people think” attitude so you leave the house wearing sweats and a t-shirt, no make-up and your hair hasn’t been brushed!

There’s some real truth to the saying “Dress for Success”! In this case, I’m talking about success in life!

Take pride in how you look because it does affect how you feel about yourself, how you carry yourself and, as a result, how others experience and view you.

Tip #5:   Have an Attitude of Gratitude
When you are appreciative and thankful for what is present in your life, even if it’s not perfect, you are able to shift your energy and raise your vibration. Because gratitude is a positive energy.

Alright! That’s it for today’s episode. Practice these tips to boost your confidence on a daily basis and you’ll shift your attitude, your relationships and your life!

Hugs … because everyone could use one!


Posted in Emotional Health, Inspiration & Motivation, Personal Development Tagged with: , ,

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Dana Zarcone

Let's Talk

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

