Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"
Blog Archives

3 Steps to Curing “Can’t Do-Itis”

I was reading a book recently and came across the term “can’t do-itis” and I absolutely love it! Why? Because so many of my clients and friends (and yes, me from time to time!) have this condition and it’s detrimental

Stop Shoulding on Yourself

It’s amazing how many people use this one simple word to punish themselves for even the slightest infraction.  Using the word “should” is so destructive yet it’s used all the time and, what’s worse, people usually don’t even realize how

7 Ways Your Thoughts Are Bumming You Out

Everyone’s sense of reality gets challenged from time to time. However, when you’re bummed and battling the blues and blahs, it’s so easy to get into a pattern of self-destructive thinking that just makes matters worse.  This is because you

Why the Law of Attraction is Rubbish!

In today’s “easy button” society, people are taking a pill to be happy, using the law of attraction and positive affirmations to get rich, and using their imagination to manifest their dream house. These “quick fix” strategies appeal to the

Let’s Talk Widget

Dana Zarcone

Let's Talk

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

