Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

Boost Your Self Esteem Instantly with Four Simple Words

boost your self esteem

In a previous post I talked about the types of limiting beliefs and how they can prevent you from living the life you really desire … and deserve! If you haven’t read it, you should check it out because you’ll probably identify a few that you have and, in that post, I talk about ways to challenge these beliefs so they lose their power over you.

If you recall Albert Ellis’ ABCDE Model, your beliefs about something (an event or experience you have) is what triggers your feelings or emotions and the outcome you have as a result of those emotions.  When you have distorted thinking (or misguided beliefs) about something it can impact your self-esteem and even lead to depression.

Saying, “I haven’t quite mastered this skill yet” is very different than saying, “I’m not that great at this. I’m an epic failure.” The former statement is based on reality, it’s factual. The latter, on the other hand, is more dramatic, judgmental and harmful to your overall sense of self!

It’s okay to own your limitations. It’s not okay to equate them to the core essence of who you are!

It’s okay to own your limitations. It’s not okay to equate them to the core essence of who you are! Click To Tweet

It’s important to acknowledge unpleasant experiences without condemning your Higher Self.

You’ll know if you have a tendency to condemn yourself when you use these words …

“Because” and “I must be”

It goes something like this …

“Because I didn’t get the job, I must be a total loser.”

“Because he didn’t ask me out, I must be worthless.”

What can you say instead that won’t strip you of your personal power?

Okay … you ready for this? It’s so simple, yet so powerful!

Here are the four (4) simple words that will boost your self-esteem and allow you to reclaim your personal power.

“Even though” and “I’m still”

So, using the same examples above, let’s try this on for size.

“Even though I didn’t get the job, I’m still an important person.”

“Even though he didn’t ask me out, I’m still a worthwhile person.”

A Self-Esteem Boosting Exercise

So, let’s have some fun with this by practicing the strategy above.

Come up with a list of 10 – 20 negative statements (true or not) such as “you screwed that up”, “You weigh too much”, “your hair looks terrible”, “you are a terrible cook” … you get the idea!

For each statement, use the “Even Though” exercise.

“Even though I weigh too much, I’m still an amazing person”

Do this exercise now for practice so you can develop the pattern of thinking.

Then, for the next week notice when you have an experience, thought or event that you might traditionally “go negative” on, use the “Even Though” exercise.

The goal here is to use this technique and have it become a habitual way of thinking and boost self esteem.

By doing this you’re honoring your Higher Self, the core essence of who you are and maintaining your personal power.

Hugs … because everybody could use one!


P.S. If you have low self-esteem or think you might be depressed, consider taking a depression test.

Posted in Emotional Health, Inspiration & Motivation, Joy & Happiness, Personal Development

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Dana Zarcone

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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

