Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

3 Ways to Simplify Your Life

simplify your life

Do you want to simplify your life?

So many of my clients come to me because they’re overwhelmed and want to simplify life.  They feel they’re living their life by default, not by design … running like crazy on the hamster wheel of life.

Perhaps you feel the same way at times?

We have a tendency to make things so complicated when they really don’t have to be.  We tend to get all worked up over the small things in life that, in the end, really don’t matter.

If you’re living a life of stress and overwhelm, I’ve got some advice for you that, if taken, can make a HUGE difference in your life!   To simplify your life, implement these strategies, and you’ll discover greater ways to relax and learn not to take things so seriously. You’ll learn not to “sweat the small stuff”!

So, here we go!

3 Ways to Simplify Your Life

     1. Embrace Your Imperfections! 

You can’t want a peaceful life and have the need to be perfect at the same time. They simply can’t co-exist!  If you insist that things have to be a certain way, you’ll always be disappointed. You’ll end up focusing on everything that’s not working right, injecting negative energy into your life and heading on the path of “life sucks”.

I tell my clients to embrace their perfections. To love themselves for being “perfectly imperfect”.  Don’t berate yourself for not getting that workout in today, having a messy closet or having a huge pile of stinky clothes in the laundry room.

Now, this doesn’t mean you don’t try hard to do your very best. What it does mean is that you should stop focusing on all the negative stuff. Heck, if we wanted to, we could pick ourselves to death focusing on all the would-a, could-a, should-a’s in our life.  I am suggesting you choose to focus on the good things in your life that ARE working!  Be kind to yourself and quit putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect.

Celebrate your imperfections!

     2.  Become Aware of Negative Thinking

It’s amazing how quickly your negative thinking can morph into a big black abyss of pessimism!  Your thoughts are energy so when you choose to be a perpetual negative thinker you are literally marinating yourself in negative energy. And with each negative thought, you’re basting yourself!


Negative thinking is poison for the soul!  And, let’s face it … when you think all of these negative thoughts, does your life get any better? Do you feel any happier? Does it solve anything?! You’re answer better be a big resounding “NO”!  Truth is, you only make matters worth.

So become aware of all the negative thoughts you have.  Once you do, I bet you’ll be shocked at how present it is in you’re life. Once you become aware of all the negativity, you can stop it dead in it’s tracks and choose differently.

     3. Stop Right Fighting

Are you one of those people who have to have the last word? Or are you always defending your position because you have to be right all the time?

This, is a happiness zapper, my friend!

When you have to be right all the time, you will do it at the expense of someone else because, in order for you to be right … they have to be wrong!  If you’re constantly focusing on proving your point, you’ll wear everyone out! You’ll alienate yourself from others.  You won’t be any fun to be around!

Think about it … has anyone ever thanked your for pointing out that they were wrong?!

If you feel you’re right about something, ask yourself … is this my ego talking? Am I actually right? Or am I just expressing my opinion? If it’s you’re ego talking then I recommend you tell your ego to step aside!

If need to be right about something ask yourself if its your ego talking! If so, then STOP IT! Click To Tweet

One of the things we want to most is to be heard. Not just to have someone listen to us … but for someone to HEAR US!

If you slow it down and really hear what others are saying, then respect them for their opinions (even if it differs from yours). You’ll lower the wall between you and they’ll be less defensive.

So, stop right fighting, let go of your ego and let others be right … most of the time!

Try these tips to simplify your life … even if it’s just for a day … and see how things can improve for you!  These are simple strategies you can implement so you don’t have to be so stressed all the time.

Stress is so overrated!

Rock Your Mojo,

Dana Zarcone signature image




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Dana Zarcone

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