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"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

YSM 042: Jena Rodriguez | Bankrupt and Stressed to Brave Success

Jena Rodriguez BankruptcyIn this episode, Jena Rodriguez talks about being bankrupt and stressed after finding herself deep in debt to the tune of $700K!  She was a successful corporate woman turned business owner. Leaving the security of a J.O.B. to follow her dream, Jena bought a boutique but it became more than she could handle, finding herself so deep in debt she had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. She’s a great example of going from rock bottom to rock star! Instead of falling into the depths of despair and depression, she decided to take the brave route and start another business but this time it would be on her terms!

So, how did a talented, high achieving corporate gal end up bankrupt?  According to Jena, she had an ingrained mindset growing up of lack and scarcity that she couldn’t help but manifest it into her life.  She had developed patterns of behavior that took her down this slippery slope. She realized she was afraid of being poor and not having enough her entire life.

We discuss her ability to stay strong in spite of having a failed business and declaring bankruptcy.  Ultimately, she decided she needed to take responsibility,  figure out how she created this mess, break her patterns of self sabotage and do things differently going forward.  In this interview, she distinguishes between something being her responsibility” versus her fault and how this distinction helped her through this very challenging time in her life.

Tune in to hear how Jena made the shift from bankrupt and stressed to brave success!

How to Make a Big Shift in Your Life

Be brave daily by taking 3 brave steps.

  1. Be decisive – don’t delay your happiness and success by sitting on the fence
  2. Be committed – stand behind  your decision and be committed to make things happen
  3. Take action – decide, be committed then take the necessary action to make it happen

Motivational Quote

Fear is annihilated through brave action! Click To Tweet

How to Connect

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Who’s Jena Rodriguez?

Jena Rodriguez, is the CEO of Brave Masters (formally Brand with Jena), a Brand Strategist, and Business Coach, and is passionate about transforming businesses from so-so to WOW with brand clarity, strategy, and profit enhancement expertise. Brave Masters, a business coaching company that educates, elevates, and inspires entrepreneurs internationally, supporting them in getting their BRAVE ON!

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