Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

The Four Levels of Personal Healing


We are living in a profound, yet challenging time. As a human race, we are being challenged to go beyond our physical sense of reality. We are beginning to feel the gravitational pull of the need to evolve into something bigger and greater than ourselves – to evolve our level of consciousness. As a result, our materialistic approach to living the “good life” leaves us empty spiritually and unfulfilled emotionally.

It is becoming more and more critical to embrace, heal and develop all aspects of ourselves, allowing us to become all of who we are. In order to accomplish this, it is critical to take a long, hard, honest look at ourselves.

Acknowledging and healing the wounded places within us is the first step – yet it is the place we all want to avoid at all costs. However … what is the cost of not healing your wounds?

When we turn a blind eye on what ails us, we create a life full of images, distortions and limitations. It’s ironic that the very thing we so desperately try to avoid is the one thing that can open the path to a higher consciousness, happiness, joy and peace.

As the saying goes, “the truth will set you free”!

So what is your truth? What are you running away from? What is it that haunts you?

When you acknowledge and accept that you’re wounded – that you’re running from something – you shift your energy and begin to nurture your own growth and development.

We are all wounded and what wounds one person may not wound another because we are all unique and have our own spiritual path.

So many of my clients come to me searching for guidance, tools and techniques to begin their healing process. I created this business – taking it global – so that I can help as many people as possible.

I’ve had my own healing to do in my lifetime so I can honestly say I’ve walked a mile in your shoes. And, going through my own healing process is what allows me to be an effective guide to my clients on their journeys.

So, what does the healing process look like?

It helps to understand that there are four layers of ourselves that co-exist to create the lives we live – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

Each of these areas need to be healed and, while one aspect may require a different approach, they each affect the other.  It’s like your own personal symphony where all of the instruments (aspects or layers) need to be fine-tuned so when the performance happens (in this case, life) they harmonize beautifully!

The healing process takes different forms for different people. Many would prefer to process to be a simple step by step process – like drawing a straight line on a map. Unfortunately, for most, it is more like a zig-zag journey or sorts. And, you may feel like you’re going in circles from time to time and that’s okay.

We each have our own unique path on our journey. Life is a never-ending school and we are all learning the process of growth, development and healing.   Currently, I work on all levels, however sometimes – admittedly – one level is requiring a little (or a lot!) more attention that the others. However, for the most part, I try to work on all of them to ensure balance in my life.

Over the next few days, I’ll dedicate a blog post to each of the four levels so I can go deeper with you and offer you some strategies that you can use to start, or to further, your own healing process.

For now, it’s important to know that we are all in the process of awakening to our deepest most intimate state of bliss and joy. The key is to surrender to the process, be open to the limitless possibilities and enjoy the ride!



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Let’s Talk Widget

Dana Zarcone

Let's Talk

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you.

