Source Your Joy
"The 9 Key Strategies to Live a Joyful Life"

YSM 041: 100% Dana | 4 Beliefs That Sabotage Your Ability to be Truly Happy

be happyIn this episode, I talk about the 4 common limiting beliefs that sabotage your ability to be truly happy.  These beliefs sabotage our ability to be happy because we’ve bought into them lock, stock and barrel!  I talk about each one of them – what is the myth, how it keeps you stuck and what you can do to dispel them once and for all.   I talk about how you can create a paradigm shift that will lead to genuine happiness.

Myth 1: Happiness is a Natural State of Being 

Happiness isn’t a natural state of being.  In fact, statistics clearly dispel this with 10% of adults will attempt suicide, 1 in 5 will suffer from depression and 30% will suffer with some psychiatric disorders.  Add to that issues of divorce, financial duress, stress, loneliness … all of which prevent you from experiencing happiness all the time. In fact, it creates even more unhappiness because you think everyone else is happy except you which, ultimately, creates more unhappiness because you feel you don’t measure up.

Myth 2: If You’re Not Happy, Something is Wrong with You 

Often, being unhappy is seen as a weakness – that somehow you’re defective, weak or “less than”.  So when we inevitably experience painful thoughts and feelings, we often criticize ourselves for being weak or stupid.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Your just human having normal life experiences that bring up a whole gamut of feelings … happiness only being one of them.

Myth 3: To Be Happy You Need to Avoid Negative Feelings

So many of us strive to eliminate “negative” feelings and focus only on the “positive” ones.  On the surface, it seems to make sense but the reality is, it’s a trap we get stuck in. Inevitably, life is all about pleasant and unpleasant feelings. That’s life! Even a great experience can bring about “negative” feelings.  You may embark on a new project that you’re excited about. Yet, at the same time, you may feel fear, stress and anxiety. P And when we refuse to allow the negative feelings we shut down a part of ourselves.

Myth 4: You Need to Control What You Think and Feel

The thinking here is that if you consciously replace your negative thoughts, images and feelings with positive ones then you’ll find true happiness. Your negative thoughts will always come back. They may leave for a while, but they always come back until they are truly transformed from the inside out.

I also talk about the definition of happiness because most people don’t know what happiness really is!  How can you possibly be happy if you don’t even know what happiness really is?!  So we explore what exactly is happiness and, more importantly, why is it so difficult to be happy?!  Tune in to this episode and find out!

Think you might be depressed? Take a depression test and find out!

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Posted in Joy & Happiness, Podcast

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Dana Zarcone

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